I’m Here. Now What?

Sunday, March 05, 2017 @ 5:15pm

I made it to Neel’s Gap around 4:45pm. It was cloudy and cooler than I expected. The leaves are off the trees and the views are pretty awesome. It’s funny, living in Florida makes me forget this is winter in GA. It never even crossed my mind. Good thing I brought my heavy jacket.

At this point, I’m thinking of parking for the night and hiking in super early. My stomach and female organs are not well, my head is killing me, but I have to admit just the sight of the first mountains on the horizon while I had been driving down the highway had put me instantly into relief mode. It felt like a warm hug from Mom. Not to mention, as I pulled into Neel’s Gap seeing the outfitter in front of me felt like a reunion with an old friend.

Hikers were everywhere stocking up on last minute supplies just as the outfitter began closing operations for the night. I had gotten here just in time. It really took no time at all though for me to get what I came for. It helps to know what you need. Shoes and filtration. Check!

I went in and immediately bought a new pair of Oboz (boots) and a spare Sawyer Mini (water filter). It was amazing to compare my old, worn out boots to the almost pristine newer versions. I had no idea how bad they were until that moment. It’s as if the universe made damn well sure I was going to get some new leathers with plenty of time and opportunity to break those suckers in. Love them! Lucky me, the shop is still stocked up with the same or similar model. Plus, they also had the inserts I needed. A shopping success story.

I pulled away to look for overnight parking, which was supposed to be an eighth of a mile north of the gap. It was, but I didn’t spend but maybe a minute checking it out before I had to head back to the gap to use the Porto John. My period is charging on and my headache is pounding. My stomach still hates me, but I’m not concerned. I didn’t drive this far to not hike. I’m going in, but will I do it now or later? Hmmm….

I sat in the truck for a while thinking I would wait to see if my stomach would continue it’s quest to destroy me, but I felt OK. So, I headed back to overnight parking. I figured at least I would rifle through my stuff and pack properly while I decide what the next course of action would be.

Another nice surprise? I thought I may have forgotten my trekking poles at home. I had packed up so fast and hit the road, I hadn’t even thought about checking for them. BUT I have been hiking a good amount this training season, and had stored them in the back of the pickup under the bed, along with a spare set. Ha! Nice! I’m like a freaking boy scout.

I still feel miserable and pretty much just as insane from my birth control, but at least my mind will be somewhat occupied for a time. Exercise heals. One of my oldest and best friends happens to be a therapist. I called her in a panic as I drove to Georgia today. Telling her what was going on with me and that I think I’m insane and I’m driving everybody around me pretty much insane too. She told me to get off the pill immediately and that she’s known me for 30 years and I’m not insane. So get over it. I defended my decision to stick it out with the pill for now. She was not amused, but relented.

I’m thinking it might be cold as ice tonight. I have my 55 degree Marmot sleeping bag with me, no fleece liner that I am aware of, but I will have to check when I do my repack. So, the smart thing might be to crash out in the truck with my pillows and heavy blankets and get up at 4am again. If that’s what I ultimately decide to do, I might swing into the closest town and get myself a meal before crashing. I haven’t had real food in days and now that Aunt Flow is actually in full effect, my appetite seems to be slightly returning.

I wish I had had some warning, someone to stop me from saying and doing stupid shit the last couple days, and even though I’m here, and I’m happy I’m here, it doesn’t solve anything. I will still have to go home and see if the people I love can forgive me for this fucking madness. Stupid pill! Stupid shit timing! Stupid hormones! Stupid vagina! Ugh… Breathe.

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2016 - Appalachian Trail Springer Mountain, GA to Boiling Springs, PA 1,121 miles 2017 - Appalachian Trail Mount Katahdin, ME to Boiling Springs, PA 1,068 miles 2018

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