Sunday Excursion

Out and about in the Florida heat. It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I packed the backpack up with the essentials, and decided I would walk around downtown and hit the garage and/or the bridge before Derek started heading my way. Like a dummy, I didn’t even think to pack some money for a coffee, and I hadn’t had the chance to drink any before leaving the house. A slight headache ensued, I got the ramp in and the bridge so all good.

The Night Hiker


My friend Greg is coming to the apartment. The plan is to throw the packs on and roam the streets, alleyways, bridges, garages, etc., of downtown Fort Myers. I have my work out clothes on. Loading the backpack with water. Waiting for dude, then we hit the road. Wait, almost forgot my headlamp and flashlight!

This morning I did not track my run. In fact, I did not want the distraction of the phone. It felt good not to be checking my Strava or worrying about my goal mileage. I just wanted to not have to worry about such things. It was just me and the pavement.

I’d do the same thing tonight, but I feel like it’s important I commit to analyzing my data in order to constantly improve. The phone is back in.


We walked all over downtown tonight. It wasn’t very vigorous exercise, but it was still nice to get out. Apparently, part of my urban hiking experience this evening needed to include a stop at Downtown House of Pizza. To my dismay, the pizza wasn’t quite as greasy as it usually is. What? Health food pizza? What? Anyhow, I enjoyed every bite to spite the caloric shortage.

We completed just around 5 miles, with several stops and detours, but we got out there. Another successful urban hike!



From Sleep to Start

I always feel like no matter what I am doing to prepare, I could be doing more. This is pretty much my normal state of mind, but truth is, I might be on to something. Lately, my training hasn’t been what I need it to be, and my enthusiasm for the whole she-bang had been waning. I could give a million excuses as to why, but maybe I’m just a bit overwhelmed. There is always so much to do. It feels like it never ends. Plus, I’m not getting enough sleep as I try to adjust my night owl schedule to an early riser routine. My water intake is low, and I’m finding myself just going through the motions.

Oh, but how much change does a day bring? Last night I had an extraordinary  conversation with my boyfriend and it made me speak out loud all the reasons I want to hike the Appalachian Trail and try for the self supported world record. It made me think about how lucky I am to be here physically, capable, able to take on such a challenge, mentally ready to try and do and be. I have amazing people supporting me, who believe I can do it. It’s bigger than I am.

So, thank you Derek for making me speak words that changed my paradigm immediately. Putting the obvious right back in front of my face. Thanks to all my friends who encourage me. Thanks to my customers and supporters. Thanks to my sponsors. I have a new enthusiasm today I did not have yesterday.

I got up this morning and I ran. I ran hard and I ran for longer than I have in weeks. I kept my head up and noticed when my shoulder muscles would tighten up, and try to consciously relax them. I cleared my mind and just headed forward. I felt how my gate reacted to certain weight exchanges between steps. I noticed. I reacted. I was in sync with my body. It was amazing.

After The run, I went to the dock and meditated. It wasn’t a long session, but enough. My eyes closed, I focused on the lack of light, and the wind against my face. I repeated a strange mantra that kept creeping past the nothing…

I stare out onto the red horizon,

and all I hear is the wind.

It’s Hard To Rock Strong

It’s so easy to make excuses, but what can I say? I got up late again. In my defense, I was out until pretty late last night urban hiking at night also. So, getting up late was somewhat necessary. I worked all day again and got out way too late to make it to Krav Maga in time. Then I had to stop at my friend’s house to take out his garbage and throw away old bananas, check the mail, etc.. By the time I got home, ate something and got back out to go hiking, it was again, pretty late.

I only did three miles tonight. It took about an hour and then I packed it in. I still have to go home and prep a canvas for Art Walk tomorrow, but I know what will happen. I’m going to get home, lay on my bed and pass out. How the hell I’m going to fit in walking in the morning, laundry and prepping a canvas? I have zero idea, but it needs to be done. Ugh. Overachieving blows sometimes.

I’m definitely tired tonight and a little overwhelmed by some life circumstances. There are things happening in my life that are pushing me in a direction that would fuel my hiking and minimalism lifestyle, yet I’m fighting it because of fear, I think. I need to let go and let opportunity have its way with me. It’s just hard to walk away from comfort and what’s familiar and proven.

Why does change hurt so much, it’s constant scratching at the back door to your mind? Even change that could potentially give you the freedom to pursue goals and dreams feels odd and awkward when first initiated. Why can’t I just point my finger, know I need to buck up, and just do what is going to get me to the next level???? Why must I fight myself? Why am I making this so much harder than it needs to be?

I still have yet to even begin my GoFundMe page. That needs to become more of a priority. Plus, I finally have a bunch of information on my chosen companies to approach for sponsorship and I’m dragging ass.

Get it together Cindy-jo. Only six months left.

Downtown By Moonlight

It’s February, the 1st, to be exact. This is the month where things have to get more serious. So, I am putting in more miles every day. I’m committed. Even if it means I have to walk all night, and tonight I did. Tonight I got in a little urban hiking in  downtown Fort Myers.

It was a perfect out. The weather was a touch on the chilly side, and being it’s a Wednesday, there weren’t a ton of people in the streets. No rain, no clouds, no nothing. So, I booked it all over. My Strava account shows my map in thick lines and constantly circling patterns. I threw in some hitting the stairs in the garages when I was walking by also. I mean, why not, right? I generally just walked at a decent pace for an hour and a half trying to get five miles in for the night. I was reluctantly successful.

The only things about walking around downtown late at night are the fear of being messed with by drunk idiots as I’m walking by, and the bums in the alley ways and in the stairwells. Tonight a guy was sleeping in the Bay Street garage. He didn’t do anything to weird me out, but be present. So, I can’t say anything, except that it’s a bit intimidating knowing this bum could be the one psychotic who decides to wig out and try to take me out. Possible, not probable, but my antennas were up, if you get me. There are quiet corners to the downtown area. Nooks and crannies, thin alleyways and dark underbrush. Judging from the amount of homeless that wander in and out of Starbucks all day long, I just think there are a much bigger number living on the streets of Ft. Myers than one would think.

All and all, it was a pretty good workout. I met my goal. No wear and tear.