Day 34 (091917)

**Facebook Post 091917 at 3:25PM**

Ever since I got even remotely near Vermont, the weather has changed considerably. It’s getting warmer by the day and the humidity would give Florida a run for its money. I’m not saying I am not painfully aware South New Hampshire/Vermont may get colder at any moment, but not since I’ve been here. Well, I take that back, at night I still freeze my butt off, but even that hasn’t been as bad lately. Only wearing one jacket to bed as opposed to two. I will say this as well, with warmer weather come more bugs. It’s relentless. Spiderwebs in the early morning. Gnats in the mid afternoon. And mosquitos in the evening. Not to mention the constant threat of ticks. Literally every time I feel itchy, I weird out that I have a tick, but none so far, thank goodness. I am running out of bug spray though. On the list for today.

Last night I decided last minute to stop at a shelter just outside of Hanover, since the wind was really starting to kick up and it had been raining off and on, and looked as though it might possibly get worse. It didn’t, nothing but a drizzle, but it was enough to soak my tent, which I hung up in the doorway of the shelter to dry. Ha! Had to put it away pretty damp today. Yuck, but honestly, everything I owned seemed damp or dewy this morning. Not much I could do about it. Pack up and go.

I’m in Hanover, NH, at the moment at the Richard W. Black Rec Center. They have Laundry and a shower for a total of $5, plus they are literally off trail (trail rolls directly through town). Can I just say absolutely lovely people here, and if you are passing through, stop in for a nice hot shower and laundry. You won’t be disappointed. Plus, they have a nice little hang out area while you wait for your laundry to dry and a strong wifi signal. Loving it!

I’m picking up my new shoes later today in Norwich, VT, at the Norwich Inn, which is across the river, but they informed me when I called ahead, that they didn’t have laundry services, so I sought out other avenues. Plus, it’s way too early in the day to stop hiking and bed down at the Inn.

Not so by the way, just a comment about fall. It’s totally beautiful and the leaves are all turning all sorts of beautiful colors and falling down out of the trees. The views will be stunning shortly. Already picturesque as hell, but leaves on the ground mean more slipping, which I did today. No bumps or bruises thanks to some awesome trekking poles saving me, but between that and the tread on my shoes being worn down, I’m slip sliding all over the place and have to be extra cautious. Sort of sucks, since I’m trying to go as fast as I can. Also, the leaves kind of hide where the rocks and roots are situated, making it a guessing game with each step. AND, sometimes the trail just disappears under all those leaves. Thank God for Guthooks today, or I would have been hopelessly lost. I veered off trail onto some side trail and at least realized it pretty quick, but without looking at my app, it all just blended together. I got back on track just fine though, very little time lost.

So, I know in previous posts I mentioned having a 40 lumen headlamp, which basically meant I couldn’t night hike. Plus, my night vision sucks anyway. I literally have to bend all the way down to get a close up of the rocks, even when wearing that headlamp. The brighter, the better as I’m learning. So, when I bought a second headlamp in Gorham, 250 lumens, I was thrilled. Well, it was awesome for like a day. I used the batteries the headlamp came with without buying spares, then somehow left the headlamp on in my bag for hours, so it was dead two nights later. Of course, when I was in North Woodstock over-resupplying, I never once thought about buying batteries. So, today I did. Yay!!!!! Finally night hiking is possible again!!!!!

Again, I should be in Vermont as soon as I cross the Connecticut River from Hanover into Norwich. Just waiting for laundry to dry, then I’m on the road again. I just want to say how amazing it is how quickly, literally as soon as I left the Whites, my miles went up, and drastically. I’d like to say scrambling and rock climbing just aren’t my forte’, but I don’t think that’s the case. I kind of like it, to a degree. I think it’s more about how much I like living and keeping the teeth I have. Caution is on your mind with every step, since every step could potentially alter your health permanently, or could possibly take your life all together. This is not so much an issue outside the Whites. Like I said, I have been slipping a lot in the last couple days. Sure, it’s been wet, lots of leaves on the ground, and I’m going fast, but when I go down, I don’t think to myself “This is it. I’m about to die.” LOL… Thank you southern NH for not being so damn dangerous. I’m pretty sure as I eat my food out of my backpack and get rid of the extra ten pounds I have been lugging around for the last couple days, my miles will not only double, but improve even more. Kind of excited to see where this goes.

Speaking of numbers, when I was at Hikers Welcome Hostel in Glencliff, NH, a couple days ago, I noticed a bizarre discrepancy in my numbers. Suddenly, I was missing a couple days. So, I investigated and found I had blended my days in Gorham and for some reason couldn’t figure out where the other day went. I spoke up about this while hanging out with Fox and Stepping Wolf and out of nowhere Fox yells out “Franconia Notch”. God damn! She was right. She’s not only Foxy, but psychic. Watch out for that girl, she may be dangerous. LOL! So, anyway, when I get to the next hostel and have more time than just waiting for laundry, I’ll be updating my numbers. For the worse. I thought I was on day 30, but I was actually on day 32. Bummer. Still holding on hope that since the terrain has changed so much, I’ll be quickly running through the miles. Between having an actual headlamp I can use for night hiking and eating my extra ten pounds of over-resupply, once I’m back on track, I will be busting moves like a ninja (a little reference for Fox). Whoo-hoo!!!!! Let the killing of miles begin!!!!!!

**Facebook Post 091917 at 5:21PM**

There you are Vermont (aka Vermud), you sexy little state you!!! It’s as if I’ve been waiting for you all my life!

I tried a relationship with Maine, but she was cold and it was rocky, and to be frank, she’s also a bit of a bitch.

I tried a relationship with New Hampshire, but I think she’s more on the manic side, all those ups and downs, too much for my taste.

But you, I hear you are pretty straight forward, and a little dirty. To tell you the truth, a bit of a turn on. Let’s share a very brief and warm romance. Shall we? You can get cold after I leave.

Kisses Vermud! (I mean Vermont.)

**Facebook Post 091917 at 6:26PM**

NEW SHOES!!!!!!!

11:25AM Start Day 34 (091917)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Hanover, NH
(Mile 442.1)
•Spent day at Rec Center for shower and laundry, light resupply in Norwich, getting shoes from Norwich Inn
•7:30PM Stream (Mile 444.7)
•3:00AM Wake up
•5:00AM On trail
•7:00AM Happy Hill Shelter (Mile 448.0)
•8:30AM Tigertown Road (Mile 451.3)
•10:30AM Joe Ranger Road (Mile 455.5)
•11:25AM Totman Hill Road (Mile 462.3)
11:25AM End Of Day 34
APPROX 20.2 Miles

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2016 - Appalachian Trail Springer Mountain, GA to Boiling Springs, PA 1,121 miles 2017 - Appalachian Trail Mount Katahdin, ME to Boiling Springs, PA 1,068 miles 2018

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