Day 42 (092717)

**Facebook Post 092717 at 10:21AM**

The Body Beautiful

Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I have finally put two and two together and realized that my body will fight back when I over do it. Back in Florida, if you read my posts often you may remember this, I had gone out on a particularly hot day, and attempted to complete a particularly high amount of miles. My brain said yes, but my body said, “Oh, hell no!”

I ended up with this insane heat rash, or what I assumed was heat rash, all over my legs. The weird thing was though, in the past, the only places I had ever gotten heat rash were on parts of my body that had been covered with clothing during whatever heat I was in. So, this was sort of a new development. I had never gotten heat rash on exposed skin. It was so bad, it prompted my friend Kelly to call me and beg me to see a doctor and get myself checked for Lyme. (Sorry Kelly. I promise I will do that right when I get back.)

Anyway, over a couple days and with some showers and love, it went away on its own and I forgot all about it.

Fast forward… I’m out on the trail. I have just entered Vermont. Thinking the terrain would be calming down and getting easier, I was unprepared for the intense heat, humidity, and the size of the mountains. Northern Vermont can look a lot like New Hampshire, but without the 8 million rocks everywhere in which you practically need a degree in Parkour to get over.

Let’s just say, I overdid it that day. I got up early, kicked butt all day, and managed to keep going well past dark. That night in my tent I noticed my legs. They were covered in that same bizarre, over the top, heat rash I had had in Florida. This time, because of a lack of, I don’t know, everything, I ended up washing my legs off with water and some handi-wipes, then using hydrocortisone. This actually worked. Then it got me to thinking. Out here it seems like everything is exaggerated. My eyes get puffy. My nose and ears bleed. I constantly have something going on somewhere on my body at all times. Maybe this heat rash is only part heat rash, but maybe it’s also allergy. Would not surprise me.

I made the decision that no matter how many miles I want to do, or how long I want to walk, I’m going to start giving my body a break when it needs it. Since I have been doing this, I haven’t gotten the rash as bad at all. Had a very small amount of it on my upper thighs last night, but it seems like if I take just a little extra time to recharge, and not overdo it, then I clean my legs and body best I can before bed, I’m in the clear. So far. But seriously, I think it’s my body’s response to extreme stress, then it kicks into gear with rashes and allergies, (even my saliva glands were inflamed recently) and whatnot. I have to listen to the bod, or the bod will bite back.

I also think I may be a bit sensitive to my bug spray, (I’m using it sparingly now.) or I could have brushed against some sort of foliage, etc.. Either way, if I’m not under stress, this stuff doesn’t seem to have any effect on me, but when I am, holy hell.

Also, I’m just one of those people that never drinks a lot of fluids. I need to pay more attention to that, and flush my system more. Being I’m basically working out all day, every day, and it’s been unusually hot for this area, it wouldn’t hurt to be more conscious of my fluid intake.

I have also taken to switching out my socks more often, like every two hours. Making sure I stretch before heading out in the morning is another big one, and breathing. Basically hiking in general is a meditation of sorts, but breathing is a huge part of mediation, and I’m pretty sure just giving myself three deep, big breaths every now and then couldn’t hurt. Get those alpha waves moving in my brain. Might help me with some better decision making as well. Can’t hurt.

*** Trick Given To Me By Mount Rogers Outfitters in Damascus, VA, Last Year***

Wash exposed skin the best you can, at least rinse, then use Gold Bond everywhere you rinsed/washed. This helps the skin remain clean feeling at night when you sleep, as opposed to feeling gross and sticky, and sweaty. Works like a charm! (Especially legs and feet)

*** Trick From “Captain” (aka Ryan Wettlin) Also Given To Me Last Year***

Eat a 24 hour allergy pill every day, whether you need it or not. Keeps allergic reactions at bay. (Contact Dermatitis, Airborne Allergies, Bug Bites)


11:25AM Start Day 42 (092717)

•11:25AM (Estimate) South Adler Brook (Mile 561.1)
•3:00PM Goddard Shelter (569.1)
•6:15PM Hell Hollow Brook (Sleep)
(Mile 576.0)
•6:00AM Wake up, pack
•7:45AM On trail
•11:25AM (Estimate) Harmon Hill
(Mile 581.0)

11:25AM End Of Day 42
APPROX 19.9 Miles

Day 41 (092617)

**Facebook Post 092617 at 5:13AM**

Compromise and Prioritize

1.) Can they charge my electrical devices?
2.) Is there a food source?
3.) Is there a shower?
4.) Is there laundry?
5.) Is it warm, clean, cozy, and safe?
(Not necessarily in that order)

As I mentioned recently in my “Joys of Food on the Trail” post, I stayed at the Mountain Meadows Lodge the other night. I left there feeling as though I have now graduated to hobo status. (Or “hiker trash” status as they like to call it out here.) Staying in a shed for $10 kind of cracks me up, and wasn’t exactly the low budget option I was expecting, but it’s best to keep expectations exactly that, low, on the trail. LOL

Mountain Meadows is actually a very nice location, but they primarily host weddings, and I wasn’t invited to the one that would be attended the next day. So, rooms were being left vacant until guests arrived, which meant no shower and the shed for me.

As slim as the accommodations were, in their defense, I knew at least the shower wasn’t possibly an option going in. I have an app on my phone called Guthooks that has reviews from other hikers, and I use the AWOL to AT Guide which lists many of the things you will or won’t find at certain locations. This gives me pretty much a nice amount of information before I choose a location to stay at, visit, or shop in. Only discrepancy was one review on Guthooks said there was a nice TV room to hang out in. Never saw it, just the shed.

Here’s the deal. Many times I will stay at a location simply because it has water, and another didn’t. It’s details such as these that may make my stay a bit easier when choosing one location as opposed to another. Details people, they count.

Mountain Meadows I went to simply because I needed to charge my electrical devices, and it was literally right off trail. It would have been great to get a shower and laundry done at the same time, but isn’t it always nice when you can kill more than two birds with one stone? They actually had resupply close by as well. So, that made the location a bit more attractive too.

When “shopping” for a hostel, I like to know they have as many of the following as possible…. Electric, a shower, laundry, and walking access to resupply, and if I’m paying, I’d like to think the accommodations are at least somewhat more comfortable than my tent or a shelter. Not always do you automatically get all these things in one place. The same goes for the resupply and camping supply places. It seems like they might have fuel canisters, but no Mountain House MREs. Maybe they sell bug spray, but only the 100% Deet, not the 40% or less like I prefer. One has giant jars of powdered Gatorade, but I don’t need a giant jar, I need individual packs. They might be more of a “clothing” camping supply, and have zip as far as gear. It goes on and on.

What ends up happening to me, in other words, is I end up stopping more places than I would like, just in case, or to avoid completely running out of something. I’m on foot, so Walmart (land where you can buy everything in one place) isn’t always close. I’m usually dependent on the smaller stores, and they don’t always have it all, unfortunately.

A side issue with this, every time I do go into town, it eats up time and miles. I could spend hours just walking to and from a location, leaving that location without everything I needed. Sometimes I have to compromise or prioritize.

When choosing camping spots or shelters, I’m much more open to “lack of”. I never expect a shelter to be luxurious. It would be nice though, if you have visited a shelter before me, to clean up after yourself, so I don’t have to do it for you. One of the last shelters I was at, someone had a dog that shed, a lot, and there was no broom. I found some bark and made due. Camping though, I’m all about whether or not there is water. Well, shelters the water thing is an issue as well. I’ll definitely walk to a farther location or stop earlier if I know there is water on site.

So, I guess my advice is, if you are going to be on trail anytime soon, make sure you access facilities when you can, but be aware many times no one place has everything. On trail, as in life, get yours when you can, be courteous, compromise when you have to, and prioritize always.

**Facebook Post 092617 at 6:55AM**

Bugs that divebomb your eyes, nose, and fly directly down your throat. (It’s as if everything out here wants to be inside you, like being at a damn frat party.)

**Facebook Post 092617 at 2:45PM**

40 Miles to Massachusetts!!!!!


11:25AM Start Day 41 (092617)

•11:25AM (Estimate) Stratton Pond Shelter (Mile 549.8)
•7:30PM Black Brook (camp, sleep)
(Mile 557.5)
•5:00AM Wake up, pack
•7:00AM On trail
•11:25AM (Estimate) South Adler Brook (Mile 561.1)

11:25AM End Of Day 41
APPROX 11.3 Miles

Day 40 (092517)

**Facebook Post 092517 at 4:44PM**

Hiker hunger… Need I say more?


11:25AM Start Day 40 (092517)

•11:25AM VT Rte. 11/30 (Mile 539.1)
(Walk 4.7 miles to Manchester)
(Walked a total of 1 mile wrong direction)
(Walked .7 to Jen’s from Manchester)
(Walked .7 to Price Cutter for resupply)
(Walk .7 back to Jen’s Place)
•4:30AM Wake up, pack
•6:00AM Walk back to trail head (4.7 miles)
•8:45AM VT Rte. 11/30 (Mile 539.1)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Stratton Pond Shelter (Mile 549.8)

11:25AM End Of Day 40
APPROX 10.7 Miles
(Add 12.5 miles for Hostel, resupply, laundry, from and to trail head)

Day 39 (092417)

**Facebook Post 092417 at 3:48AM**

The Many Joys of Food on the Trail

I’m getting this food pack thing down better and better. At this point I would say I’m back to carrying a normal amount of sustenance, under 10 pounds. Not sure what I was thinking there buying so much and then sending myself even more, but I again, blame hiker hunger.

It’s insane how when you are hiking every day, all day, if you see, or even hear about, food options it’s as if the flood gates open and you want it all.

My hiker hunger got so loopy I even asked one of my friends to bring me a meatball sub and a cold soda from across state lines. He didn’t do it. Then he told me he was going to order one for himself because it sounded like such a delicious idea. You are truly an evil man. You know who you are. LOL!

Lately when I do go into a grocer, which isn’t as often as I’d like mind you, I try to have specific choices in mind. As I roam about, I keep telling myself to stay on track and grab the items I need, not everything in the store. Although, I will admit I still leave with a few things I didn’t intend to buy, I’m making better choices and not going crazy. Believe me, I want to buy everything I see. I also have found if I buy a meal to eat at that same moment, it sort of lessens the desire, at least for the time being, to buy in bulk.

I’m making conscious decisions to buy more fat and protein items and less sugar, but sugar is in literally everything these days, even meat products and cheese, so it can be difficult at times. Plus, literally from the beginning of my trip, fat and protein have been high on the list, but the eyes have a tendency of taking you to additional selections.

A strange thing I find hard to find are adequate electrolyte drink mixes. Gas stations and even a lot of grocers tend to only have the most bizarre of options. Either they sell giant jars of it, way too much for me, or they only carry the gross Aspartame laden kinds that make my stomach upset.

The Mido stuff (I think that’s what it’s called, in the weird egg shaped squeeze bottle.) makes me so sick. I have a different product also to try in a bounce box somewhere south of me, but this doesn’t help me today. I bought some Hawaiian Punch individual packs at Walmart in Gorham, but as always with Walmart, you need to read what you buy. I didn’t completely read the label and it’s the sugar free stuff. Why this mostly happens to me in Walmart, I don’t know. It might be because I always spend my time there, trying to get out as quickly as possible. I just saw the logo and grabbed it assuming it was regular Hawaiian Punch. Nope. Sugar free anything tends to make me a little queezy, but Hawaiian Punch is probably not as bad as some.

I also purchased Propel individual packets. They don’t seem to be making me sick, thank goodness, but they also have almost no taste to them.

A sweet food option I haven’t mentioned, well maybe I did at some point earlier, were all those blueberries growing wildly at the top of the mountains in southern Maine and New Hampshire. I’m not a major fan of having to bust my ass to get up to 5,500 feet over and over, but when I do, it’s a lovely surprise to have a sea of wild blueberries in front of you. There was more than one occasion where I just plopped my happy ass down and fed my face to complete enjoyment with berries.

It seemed to be a constant topic of discussion between hikers too. As you are on your way up, hikers would tell you of the reward waiting for you at the top, or you’d have to stop in your tracks because a hiker was on the ground in front of you mowing blueberries. It was really nice. Sometimes I felt like I was doing a bit more blueberry picking and not enough hiking though.

The tradeoff for being a bit farther south are the apples. Everywhere I go these days are trees filled with apples. That started in southern New Hampshire, and continued into Vermont, although I haven’t seen as many lately because I’m pretty deep in the woods and up in the mountains. They tend to be more near farms and on the side of roads, but delicious and free.

I’m pretty sure as I go more south it’s raspberries and blackberries, but I’m guessing I’m a little late in season to partake. It would be awesome if as I made my way down, I could grab some of those too though. Last year, I found myself doing the same picking of blackberries as I was of blueberries this year. You find a good bush full, and you just can’t help it. Free food!!!!

My actual last stop at a grocer was in Killington, VT, to the Killington Deli & Marketplace. I have to say, they did have a pretty wide variety of food to choose from considering they were basically just a gas station with a grocer/deli, but I got the distinct feeling they served much of the tourist community. Great sandwiches!

I had paid a whole $10 to stay in Mountain Meadows Lodge’s pool house the night before (AKA… their shed. They called it a bunk house. I slept on the floor. It had holes in it, but it did have electric. Trade off. There was no option for a shower, since they were having a wedding that weekend, but they did have laundry. I didn’t partake. Why would I? I’m not going to shower, then put clean laundry on. Gross.)

The next morning when I left the property, I had walked past some day hikers and actual guests of the Lodge on trail. Eventually saw them again at the grocer. These were wedding guests, but I’m guessing when it’s ski season, they do pretty well. Everyone coming in from all the resorts, at all hours, buying food for their rooms and cottages and outings. Plus, they had a liquor store.

I liked though, they had a sign that said hikers were not welcome in the liquor store. I’m guessing that’s hikers with their bags on. Somebody must have gotten a little grabby at some point and slipped a bottle in a bag. Thanks for ruining it for everybody Dude.

A nice twist to my visit to this grocer, was as I’m checking out the clerk asks me if I’m a hiker. Then she tells me how few are left on trail now. Then asks if I had heard about the hiker that had recently been found dead. Apparently he went missing for days. By the time they found him… Not because of what you would think. No fowl play, or bear eats man horror story. The guy simply got sick with pneumonia and I guess wandered off to rest it out and died instead. Geeze, poor guy. I didn’t hear if he was an older or younger guy, or any more details, but it makes you think. Get out of the woods if you are feeling that bad Man! Lesson for the day.

Another mentionable grocer I visited when I first got into Vermont. I had passed through on my way to the Norwich Inn to get my package with my new shoes inside. They happen to be located directly next door. It’s called Dan and Whit’s. Anyway, the place is crazy. If you are ever in Norwich, go there. There pretty much isn’t a thing on earth this guy doesn’t have. I mean literally. Another customer mentioned to me his motto is “If we don’t have it, you don’t need it.” The place reminds me of those crazy over packed flea market stores where suddenly you find yourself walking through the back room, you aren’t sure you are supposed to be there or not, but there are like 8,000 things for your eyes to lock on from floor to ceiling. Yeah, that’s this place. Except he’s got like ten back rooms. Dude, I got lost. Seriously, it took a minute once I found bug spray to figure my way out again. AND apparently there is more upstairs. UPSTAIRS?!?!? Crazy. But yeah, his store is probably the only place on the trail where I would say you could pretty much find it all. He even sold Kool Aide in small packets. What?

11:25AM Start Day 39 (092417)

•11:25AM (Estimate) Little Rock Pond Shelter (Mile 519.3)
•6:30PM (Estimate time) Griffith Lake Tenting Area (Mile 528.5) Sleep
•4:00AM Wake up, pack
•5:30AM On trail
•11:25AM VT Rte. 11/30 (Mile 539.1)

11:25AM End Of Day 39
APPROX 19.8 Miles

Day 38 (092317)

**Facebook Post 092217 at 3:18PM**

It’s official. I am out of my freaking mind. (As if I needed to make a declaration.)

**Facebook Post 092317 at 8:38PM**

I’m putting it out there for the world to know. Today I broke one of the official rules of the FKT and met up with one of my friends from Vermont at a trail head for like two hours of conversation and a break from killing it.

I know I said that I would stay with all the FKT rules until the end, but at 500(ish) miles and already 35 days in, I already know I’m not going to make the FKT again this year. Really, I’m doing this for me now. BUT Because I made an official public announcement I was trying for it, I figure I should do the same if I’m going to break any rules and forfeit the fight. So, there it is.

I’d like to thank everybody who helped me get this far. To all those who financially, emotionally, and otherwise, helped make this trip happen and supported me. (Last Year and this year.) This trek is not over, and if I make the 1800 miles, I will definitely try again next year a final time. This time having the whole trail at least once under my belt, to pull knowledge from.

It’s been one hell of an attempt so far. I had no idea what I was in for with Maine and New Hampshire, and the idea I’m doing it all wrong definitely has occurred to me. South to North, North to South? I’m also apparently not the greatest at planning, executing, training, doing my own PR, researching, raising funds, etc., etc., etc., person. I can not express how difficult it is to wear so many hats and attempt to think of everything and do it all. I’m learning that even if you are attempting a self supported world record attempt, it still takes time and a team. I don’t have anybody, but myself. I am almost always learning by happening to run into someone who gives me the scoop too late.

I’m still going to attempt to complete the 1800 miles, although even that is not looking good at this point. I’m still not getting in cars while I’m out here, I’m not slack packing, taking detours or skipping anything, and I definitely do not plan on meeting with anybody else or breaking any other official rules. It was a one time deal.

That being said, I do, on the other hand, have to get off the trail in less than a week and attend my grandmother’s funeral services, which would disqualify me anyway. I don’t think they give “time outs” for world records. After which I will get back on and continue as if I’m still in the running.

I did and I am still learning a lot, and I will continue to keep everybody informed of what is happening as it happens. The adventure continues.


11:25AM Start Day 38 (092317)

•11:25 (Estimate) VT 103 (Mile 506.7)
•6:30PM Bully Brook (Mile 513.8) sleep
•6:30AM Wake, pack up
•9:00AM On trail
•11:25AM (Estimate) Little Rock Pond Shelter (Mile 519.3)

11:25AM End Of Day 38
APPROX 12.6 Miles

Day 37 (092217)

**Facebook Post 092217 at 6:23AM**

I was reviewing all my posts from the last month on the trail, and one major one is missing. Not sure what happened there, but I’m going to blame spotty service.

My camera on my phone did come back, although it’s only the “selfie” camera that works all the time. Since I’m not a huge fan of constant selfies, that’s too bad. BUT the regular camera did come back after weeks of my phone living in a bag of rice. Not that I should break out the sparklers and start celebrating though; it’s super finicky. Sometimes it works just fine, sometimes it says, “Hell NO!”, and then sometimes it looks like it’s going to work, then just as I’m about to hit the button it freezes, the screen starts turning every color of the rainbow, and it dies.

I think I’ve figured out sly ways to work around its bad attitude, but sometimes it’s just not going to happen, but then there are the other times…

So, here are a few shots from the trail… Thank you Apple for making one heck of a product. I’m just amazed it came back at all.


11:25AM Start Day 37 (092217)

•11:25AM Gifford Woods State Park (shower, directly off trail) (Mile 485.9)
•12:30PM On trail
•2:45PM US 4, Rutland (Mile 489.0)
•7:30PM Cooper Lodge Shelter
(Mile 495.3) Sleep
•5:00AM Wake up, pack
•6:00AM On trail
•11:25 (Estimate) VT 103 (Mile 506.7)

11:25AM End Of Day 37
APPROX 20.8 Miles
(Met with a friend on trail, forfeit WR)

Day 36 (092117)

**Facebook Post 092117 at 9:15AM**

Next stop… Killington, VT

**Facebook Post 092117 at 1:21PM**

So, today I am having an entire silent conversation with myself as I hike down the trail, specifically about the time and place to poop. You don’t want to be too close to the trail, someone might come hiking by and you also don’t want to burden anyone with the unfortunate “I just stepped in poo” moment. There isn’t a lot of opportunity to wash ones shoes after. You also don’t want to be so far off trail you might get lost. It can’t be too rocky, because then you won’t be able to dig a deep enough cat hole. You don’t want too much brush, because, God forbid, some of that brush might be Poison Oak or Ivy. It would also be very nice if there was a slight breeze. I mean, not the type of breeze where you are almost knocked off your feet while trying to hold position, but just strong enough to give you a that refreshed feeling. I suppose this means I like pooping at elevation.

This conversation with myself, mind you I’m spending an exorbitant amount of time alone in the woods these days, went on for close to twenty minutes. This my friends may mean I have some issues, but I digress… Anyway, it suddenly dawned on me. This conversation seemed oddly familiar. Not that there isn’t some variety of it every time I have to go, but…. Christen DuVernay I feel like not only have we shared many a poop joke, but that quite possibly during a past moment in our very long friendship, or perhaps during a time we shared bumbling through woods together, we may have shared this very conversation. If not, it completely reminded me of one we would have. AND I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have had to be in the woods to converse on such a subject.

(Also no pooping near water sources, tent sites or shelters, because that’s just gross. And no pooping on a slope. I want to bury that shit, not watch it roll down hill, or go tumbling after.)


11:25AM Start Day 36 (092117)

•11:25AM (Estimate) Stream (Mile 474.1)
•3:45PM Stony Brook Shelter
(Mile 479.0)
•7:30PM Kent Pond side trail to Killington, VT (Mountain Meadows Lodge, .2 off trail)
(Mile 485.1) Sleep
•7:00AM Wake, pack, etc..
•9:00AM On trail (Walk .2 back to trail head) (Mile 485.1)
•9:30AM VT 100 (Mile 485.7) (Walk .6 East Camping Supply (Opens at 10AM) (Walk .3 to Grocer, but light food supply, lunch) (Walk .3 back to Camping Supply, buy fuel) (Walk .6 back to trail head) (Mile 485.7)
•11:25AM Gifford Woods State Park (shower) (Mile 485.9)

11:25AM End Of Day 36
APPROX 11.8 Miles
(Add 2.2 miles for Meadows Lodge, going into town to Grocer, and Camping Supply)